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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 21, 2011 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Needs Committee to a Building Concept Team, including a review of other cities <br /> and stations recently built; as well as from the perspective of services today and <br /> those anticipated well into the future, including room for expansion and changes <br /> in equipment, staffing, and community needs. <br /> Further discussion included future asset status of existing stations and property <br /> when the new station is built with final decisions at the City Council level; poten- <br /> tial that the RFP include the possibility of the same architect providing an option <br /> for refurbishing existing buildings for repurposing rather than as a separate <br /> process; interest received to-date by the community and groups in repurposing <br /> Station #2; and once preliminary drawings and cost estimates were received, <br /> creating another decision point for the City Council to review alternatives and <br /> funding aspects. <br /> Additional discussion included the future location of the License Center in the <br /> next ten (10) years to avoid off-site rental and discussions to-date related to that <br /> possibility and the need for a substantial volume of parking for that service; con- <br /> sideration of emergency vehicle access and quick response in multi-use facilities; <br /> and existing easements on the City Hall campus; and consideration of a Commu- <br /> nity Center and License Center incorporated in the same facility as part of the <br /> Parks and Recreation Master Plan discussion as well. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Written comments received by staff included two (2) e-mails from Roger B. Hess, <br /> Jr., 1913 Shady Beach Avenue (expressing caution in proceeding; funding and <br /> staffing concerns; and supporting a new station at Dale Street based on its close <br /> proximity to Highway 36 and access to the east and west portions of the City in <br /> less time than if located on Lexington Avenue), attached hereto and made a part <br /> hereto. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Pust; Willmus; Johnson; McGehee; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked the Committee for a job well-done, and for their participation <br /> and informative presentation. <br /> 1. Public Hearings <br /> Recess <br /> vlayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 7:46 p.m. and reconvened at approximately <br /> ":57 p.m. <br /> 1 2. Business Items (Action Items) <br /> ICI <br />