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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 21,2011 <br /> Page 14 <br /> c. Consider a Resolution Supporting Efforts to Establish a Yellow Ribbon <br /> Community <br /> Mayor Roe welcomed City of Maplewood Mayor Rossbach; and by consensus, <br /> Item 12.c was moved forward at this time to facilitate Mayor Rossbach's atten- <br /> dance at the meeting. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, City Manager Malinen briefly reviewed the RCA <br /> dated March 21, 2011 related to the process in supporting efforts to establish a <br /> Yellow Ribbon Community. <br /> Councilmember Pust, attending meetings of the group in Councilmember John- <br /> son's absence as Liaison to the RCLLG, shared that group's position on the Yel- <br /> low Ribbon Community initiative by advising that many communities were inter- <br /> ested in this great program. However, the RCLLG sought to pull regional efforts <br /> together, as the program had been found to be very volunteer intensive, and in or- <br /> der to do justice to the efforts of the program, the RCLLG wanted to coordinate as <br /> many neighboring communities as possible to make the program work: in other <br /> words to "walk the walk, not just talk the talk." Councilmember Pust expressed <br /> her interest in hearing the comments of Mayor Rossbach and his perspective. <br /> Mayor Rossbach, City of Maplewood <br /> Mayor Rossbach advised that the Maplewood City Council had passed a resolu- <br /> tion of support at approximately three months; then had found out the amount of <br /> work involved, specifically in administering and organizing multiple efforts to <br /> meet the needs of military families, and getting people involved in future activi- <br /> ties. While immediately receiving a list of twenty to twenty-five (20-25) interest- <br /> ed citizens for various hands-on projects, Mayor Rossbach noted that actual key <br /> administrative people to coordinate the volunteers was not easy to obtain. Mayor <br /> Rossbach noted that the Mayor or City Councilmembers could not and should not <br /> administer the program, as it was meant to be a citizen-run organization, not a city <br /> function; and noted the challenges found in Maplewood in getting those critical <br /> administrative efforts together. <br /> Mayor Rossbach noted the interest expressed from the Cities of Shoreview, Vad- <br /> nais Heights, and others, as well as Ramsey County in a city-wide and/or county- <br /> wide effort, along with other groups involved in the RCLLG, but reiterated the <br /> need to coordinate a larger pool of volunteers for the program. Mayor Rossbach <br /> expressed his interest in the City of Roseville's efforts and process that would <br /> provide their openness to work within a larger group. <br /> Mayor Rossbach further noted that the City of Maplewood had changed their fo- <br /> cus by getting the word out to other interested communities and entities interested <br /> in participating in the initiative. Mayor Rossbach noted the difficulty in obtaining <br /> military family information as there was no central source of military personnel, <br /> t I <br />