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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 21,2011 <br /> Page 17 <br /> parking would be opened up on Prior as opposed to the parking lot, with Mr. <br /> Rygh responding that original proposed fields now looked entirely different, and <br /> noted the School District's meetings with residents over the winter months; how- <br /> ever, he didn't recall any promises being made by the District to not open up <br /> parking on Prior Avenue. <br /> Further discussion included other areas beyond the main parking lot to facilitate <br /> parking during the daytime, as well as during the evening; other activities on site, <br /> including adult and alternative high school activities and classes, and senior citi- <br /> zen activities; restricted parking and possible use of those parking stalls during <br /> off-hours; use of the field by other communities as well as the Roseville School <br /> District; pathway access and handicapped access to the fields and current parking <br /> areas; ongoing work at the fields and their use for varsity and junior varsity activi- <br /> ties; and how serious of a parking problem actually was anticipated beyond cur- <br /> rent available parking. <br /> Additional discussion included limited School District funds for this type of con- <br /> struction and other allocation of those funds; possibility of using the fields for a <br /> season prior to changing parking restrictions; current and potential impacts to res- <br /> idents along Prior as well as throughout the neighborhood; and the review and <br /> subsequent recommendation of the Traffic Safety Committee that removing park- <br /> ing restrictions on the east side of Prior Avenue was safer than having parking <br /> elsewhere or pedestrians required to cross streets. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that the school district had certainly given <br /> every impression to the residents during meetings that no additional parking <br /> would be needed or requested. She said that she detected an element of entitle- <br /> ment from Mr. Rygh regarding how Roseville chooses to purpose its city streets <br /> and felt this was inappropriate. She indicated that the area was not vegetatively <br /> screened from the neighborhood as around other parks within Roseville or as re- <br /> quired of many commercial properties. She also mentioned that there was no <br /> pathway along the street beside the fence. She commented that the fence facing <br /> the residential neighborhood was repaired on a patchwork basis. As for crossing <br /> streets, the safest location for parking was in the Fairview Lots on the north and <br /> south of the building as it required no crossing of streets. Councilmember McGe- <br /> hee stated she supported efforts to discourage parking anywhere within or along <br /> the residential neighborhood on the west and south of the fields. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Written comments were received by staff, and attached hereto and made a part <br /> hereof, from Chris Doneen of Shryer Avenue (in opposition); and Karen Rajcic, <br /> 1948 Skillman (in opposition and questioning assumptions and assertions); Mike <br /> Gregory, 1945 Sharondale Avenue (providing a historical perspective of ball <br /> fields and parking, in opposition); and Karen Willett, 1969 Shryer Avenue W (in <br /> opposition). <br /> it <br />