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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 21, 2011 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Mayor Roe referenced Section 2.02 of the Grant Agreement regarding match re- <br /> quirements, dollar to dollar; and again on Attachment A, page 2, with local re- <br /> sources from TIF dedicated funds. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon suggested delaying action on the item at this time to allow staff to <br /> further review and research the grant terms; noting that the language was standard <br /> for these types of funds; but noted the need to make sure all parties were fully <br /> aware of the grant requirements. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Trudgeon advised that there was no time factor <br /> precluding delay of this item. <br /> Willmus moved, McGehee seconded, TABLING this item to the March 28, 2011 <br /> regular City Council meeting. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Pust; Willmus; Johnson; McGehee; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> 9. General Ordinances for Adoption <br /> 10. Presentations <br /> a. Receive Fire Facility Committee Final Recommendation and Consider Au- <br /> thorizing an RFP for Architectural Services for Preliminary Drawings, Final <br /> Drawings and Building Cost Estimates <br /> Fire Facility Committee members were in attendance and introduced themselves. <br /> Those present included Mike Bierscheid, 20-year Roseville resident, airline pilot <br /> with experience in quality control matters; Bob Murphy, 37 year resident of <br /> Roseville, former career at a computer manufacturer, and one of the two retired <br /> firefighters on the committee, with twenty-one (21) years of active firefighter ser- <br /> vice; Pam Billado, seven year Roseville resident and eight year Roseville fire- <br /> fighter with a background in strategic planning and public safety education; Neil <br /> Sjostrom, seven year Roseville resident, with six years as a Roseville firefighter; <br /> Georgeanne Hall, a forty-one year Roseville resident with a history of involve- <br /> ment in various civic activities; and Hubert Thibodeau, community member of the <br /> Committee, a forty-nine year Roseville resident, and retired electrical engineer <br /> with the University of Minnesota in its Engineering/Architectural Division. <br /> Dave Burbank advised that he was the "neutral person" on the Committee, not be- <br /> ing a Roseville resident, but living in St. Paul, and volunteering for the committee <br /> based on his twenty years of experience with another area fire department, and <br /> serving on their building committees as well. Mr. Burbank advised that he was <br /> retired, and while not living in Roseville, "loved your town, that it wasn't a city, <br /> but a town." <br /> � II <br /> i ! j <br />