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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 21,2011 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Other Committee members included Darcy Huberty, Roseville resident for thirty- <br /> eight years and on the Roseville Department for sixteen years; Hart Gillcrest, a <br /> fifteen year Roseville resident and member of the Roseville Fire Department, with <br /> a career with a GIS engineering firm; Greg Petersen, Roseville resident for seven- <br /> teen years, and career as the pilot of a light helicopter service in Anoka; and Jim <br /> Tschida, thirty-six year Roseville resident, and previously employed by the Rose- <br /> ville Parks and Recreation Department for ten years and a past Roseville Fire De- <br /> partment member for thirty-two years. <br /> Fire Chief Timothy O'Neill noted that Councilmember Jeff Johnson had served <br /> on the Committee as Council Liaison; along with members of the Technical Advi- <br /> sory Committee including himself, Fire Captain David Brosnahan, and Fire Mar- <br /> shal John Loftus. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill reviewed a brief history of the department and past studies <br /> over the last ten (10) years in determining community, department, and station <br /> needs. Each Committee member reviewed various components of the study, in- <br /> cluding a history of the committee, citizen perspectives, and the 2010 study group <br /> meeting since August of 2010; history of the three-station model, including past <br /> equipment and response times, as well as past staffing models for those existing <br /> stations. The presentation went on to compare the 20th Century versus the 21St <br /> Century staffing models for fire and emergency medical services, 24/7 staffing at <br /> this time, and aid agreements with adjacent Fire Departments and first responders. <br /> Additional information included the Committee's decision that the Fire Depart- <br /> ment services could be effectively provided to the community from one station, <br /> providing more efficiencies for day-to-day operations with a centralized location. <br /> The best location for that one station was determined by the Committee to be the <br /> location on the City Campus at Lexington Avenue and Woodhill at the site of the <br /> existing Fire Station #1. It had been determined that this would allow the De- <br /> partment to maintain, or even improve on, current response times averaging 3.5 <br /> minutes; use current city-owned land rather than a proposed Dale Street location <br /> where sufficient land may not be available for purchase; and allowing for all pub- <br /> lic safety operations to be located and tied together at one location on the City <br /> campus; in addition to possibly utilizing the geothermal system already in place <br /> on campus. <br /> Ms. Hall concluded her portion of the presentation by expressing her honor and <br /> pleasure at serving on the Committee and to be involved with so much talent and <br /> knowledge; and noted that the Facilitator kept them on task, with three-hour meet- <br /> ings every two weeks. <br /> Mr. Thibodeau's portion of the presentation included the Committee's study on <br /> whether to construct a new facility or remodel existing stations. Mr. Thibodeau <br /> II I <br /> I'. <br />