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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/27/2011 12:09:15 PM
Creation date
4/27/2011 12:08:11 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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including an additional two (2) new invoices, for a total of five (5) invoices submitted for <br />approval. <br />Member Manzara moved, and Chair Ferrington seconded ratification of the August 26, 2010 <br />invoice from Sheila Stowell in the amount of $179.25 for Recording Secretarial Services. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />Member Eckman moved, and Member Manzara seconded payment to Avenet Web Solutions of <br />the September 27, 2010 invoice #27057) for annual services through September 30, 2011, for <br />web hosting, maintenance and customer support, in the amount of $420.00. <br />Chair Ferrington clarified and provided background for newer Board members on the Board's <br />2009 mid -year decision to transfer website maintenance to this firm from the City of Roseville, <br />authorizing the firm to develop the GLWMO website. But this was done without prior <br />assessment of a contract or detail of costs by the previous (2009) Board Chair. <br />Chair Ferrington noted that Mr. Petersen and /or Roseville staff were now able to make minor <br />revisions to the site; and that now the Board was aware of the annual cost for this professional <br />service, without asking the company to make any significant changes to the website. <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that this is an off -site website through their server; chosen after three <br />proposals were received; noting that if they were to make changes to the website, it would cost <br />thousands of dollars annually. Mr. Schwartz, at the request of Member Manzara, advised that <br />any troubles experienced in accessing documents on the site should be referred to Mr. Petersen to <br />work with administrative and information technology staff to determine where the problems <br />occurred. Mr. Schwartz noted that this was a one year contract, renewal by paying the invoice, <br />with no established end date Mr. Schwartz noted that the Board may consider a subcommittee <br />to work with the firm on enhancement of the banner page from its current generic status, with <br />that enhancement included as part of the Board's initial contract. Mr. Schwartz offered to <br />provide samples of the Avenet firm's development of other banner pages. <br />Mr. Petersen advised that the service package was through September 30, 2011, with payment in <br />advance; and noted his positive experience with their customer service to -date Mr. Petersen <br />volunteered Ms Ann Whiteagle from his office to provide some initial suggestions and <br />brainstorming for sprucing up the front page if the Board so directed him to do so, with financial <br />consideration. <br />Chair Ferrington noted that the Board was coming to the end of its budget year, without having a <br />clear sense of their expenses for web site modification. He recommended that this be discussed <br />in a work short format before decisions were made on how to modify the web site. <br />10 <br />
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