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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/27/2011 12:09:15 PM
Creation date
4/27/2011 12:08:11 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Mr. Petersen offered to include that as an item in 2011. Mr. Petersen noted that the website was <br />Microsoft friendly and was similar to that operated by the RCD. Mr. Petersen suggested that <br />Member Eckman provide some pictures to incorporate into the website. <br />Member Manzara suggested that Mr. Petersen provide an informal preliminary proposal for the <br />November 30' 2010 meeting for Board review in case more immediate action was considered <br />necessary to enhance the website to involve stakeholders, and to provide a rough estimate of <br />such an undertaking. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. Petersen presented an invoice from Ramsey County Public Works Department for <br />reimbursement of groundwater well sampling performed for the last of three monitoring events <br />for the 4 Ob -wells adjacent to the Shoreview pervious pavement project, as authorized by the <br />Board in July of 2009, amounting to $648.11. Mr. Petersen noted that Ramsey County had <br />volunteered their services for sampling wells, and the RCD had invoiced the City of Shoreview <br />for the first two samples, which they had paid; and advised that the GLWMO may ultimately <br />owe the City of Shoreview additional reimbursement, pending final audit and reconciliation of <br />the bills. <br />Chair Ferrington clarified, for the record, that Ramsey County did not volunteer their services, <br />but had stepped up to perform the services for a fee; and expressed his confusion in the itemized <br />format of the list of charges on this invoice compared to those previously paid. <br />Mr. Petersen offered to ask Mr. Terry Noonan for more detailed explanations of the invoice; and <br />that payment could be approved conditional upon receipt of that additional information. <br />Discussion among Members and Mr. Petersen included the need for more details on the <br />breakdown of charges in the invoice; billing codes and what they involved related to various <br />tasks provided by Ramsey County; the need for the Board to be accountable in writing, not just <br />verbally, to its constituents of the bills being paid from public funds; and the Board's surprise <br />with the inclusion of overhead costs as an additive to hourly rates and quantities. <br />Following further discussion and at the suggestion of Mr. Petersen, and by consensus, payment <br />was deferred, and Mr. Petersen was requested to resubmit the invoice at the November 30, 2010 <br />meeting, pending additional detail being provided as requested. <br />Member Manzara stressed the need, for future budgeting purposes, to ensure written narrative <br />detail was provided for invoices, as applicable and for the public record. <br />Chair Ferrington moved, and Member Eckman approved cost -share reimbursement in the <br />amount of $477.85 to Mr. Ordean Finkelson, 388 Transit Avenue West in Roseville, for <br />installation of a rain garden, following determination that it had been completed under RCD <br />standards. <br />11 <br />
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