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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/27/2011 12:12:10 PM
Creation date
4/27/2011 12:10:01 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Member Eckman moved, and Member Von De Linde seconded approval of monthly meetings of <br />the GLWMO Board in 2011. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried <br />Chair Ferrington asked that individual members review their schedules and be prepared to come <br />to consensus of monthly dates and times for 2011 at the December 15, 2010 special meeting. <br />Special Meeting Time <br />By consensus, Members agreed to meet at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 15, 2010; with <br />the meeting location to be determined, after confirmation. <br />Board Turnover and board Concerns about Continuity <br />Chair Ferrington advised the Board that he and Chair -elect Manzara had been meeting as a <br />subcommittee to facilitate turnover of the Chair at the end of his tenure with the GLWMO. <br />Chair Ferrington and Member Manzara concurred that the opportunity to meet and discuss <br />pending and upcoming issues had been of great benefit to ensure continuity of activities. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the need for continuity in relationship to serving as a point of <br />contact with EOR during Plan development, with Chair Ferrington suggesting a subcommittee <br />that included someone with strong technical background and familiar with the Board's history <br />over at a minimum the last two years of Board operation. <br />Member Manzara reviewed her observations of the extensive time consuming nature of Board <br />functions in keeping information flowing to meet goals and deal with turnover of Board <br />members. She expressed her interest in ensuring that those efforts be streamlined for the benefit <br />of individual Members as well as to facilitate development of the Plan, working in conjunction <br />with EOR. Member Manzara suggested a future agenda include discussion to resolve concerns <br />over continuity. She suggested consideration by Board members of a citizen working committee <br />beyond the Board's structural support to get their planning and work done and make the Board <br />more effective. <br />Member Eckman questioned if a conclusion had been made regarding a Board contact for EOR; <br />with Chair Ferrington advising that the matter required additional discussion. <br />Member Manzara advised that EOR would be seeking a decision making contact, and opined <br />that two (2) people would be ideal. The persons could be authorized by the full GLWMO Board <br />to provide direction and minor decision making for EOR, not just to serve as a communications <br />contact. Member Manzara opined that EOR would not want to wait a month to have that contact <br />chosen, and that a subcommittee needed to be established to make decisions on those items that <br />can be process and those needing to go before the full GLWMO Board for authorization. <br />Member Eckman reminded Members that she had previously volunteered to serve as the <br />GLWMO Board's communications contact with EOR, at the Board's discretion. <br />5 <br />
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