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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:13:44 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 12:05:29 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Ordering the Construction of Improvement No. P-80-10 Excluding Bike Path Under and Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />6 <br /> <br />back in so I can maintain it as comfortably as I do now, and <br />you said they could make that ramp that I have, the driveway, as <br />(inaudible) or better. I don't believe that. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: One of the methods, if you want to call it <br />that, of being able to achieve that sort of thing, is the fact that <br />the roadway would be lowered somewhat, plus the fact that one side <br />of the street would be dropped lower than the other. I think there <br />are two retaining walls on the site, and I had the same question, <br />and at least the preliminary answer is by the time they get to those <br />locations, the road location will be at the bottom of your wall <br />rather than half way up or at the top where you would (inaudible) <br />any different than you are today as far as slope and you wouldn't <br />need the wall because the road would be that low. <br /> <br />MR. NOVAK: The other problem I have, you're going to run 80% <br />of the grade toward me. Right now my house is probably the oldest <br />house in the area. I get water from three or four homes around <br />me, and I'm going to get 80% of the runoff from the street. <br />Let's say the curb and gutter (inaudible). The retaining wall <br />helps me out that way because I don't get the runoff from the <br />right-of-way. I don't see (inaudible) shows that they're going <br />to go down and I think the gentleman over here said approximately a <br />foot on the north side. If they go down a foot on the north side <br />and come down the bottom of that retaining wall that will be over a <br />two foot drop in 80% of the road. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: I believe it's a one foot drop. <br /> <br />REPRESENTATIVE OF SHORT OFFICE: I said approximately one foot <br />from the curb on the north side and the curb on the south side. <br /> <br />l.ffi. NOVAK: And this gentleman just stated that he thought the <br />finished grade would be at the bottom of the retaining wall, and <br />the retaining wall in one spot is almost two feet high, so what <br />you're saying, you're going to move the street three feet to the <br />north, cut it down a foot. Isn't that what you were saying? I <br />thought you said you were going to take the street three feet <br />north. <br /> <br />~m. HONCHELL: It will be three feet north of the existing <br />centerline. <br /> <br />y~. ROGER SHORT: The cross sections spotted up (inaudible) <br />critical spaces on the job (inaudible) we can lay them out and <br />talk to him. You have to get down and look at them. <br /> <br />~m. NOVAK: You mean after the machinery is there I'm going to <br />tell this guy, hey wait a minute. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: I guess you want the slopes to be reasonable. <br /> <br />l.m. NOVAK: <br />situation where <br />bad. Mine is. <br />worse. <br /> <br />I don't want them any worse because I'm in a <br />it's bad, and the majority of the street isn't that <br />I want to be assured that it doesn't get any <br />
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