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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/27/2011 2:11:40 PM
Creation date
4/27/2011 2:09:23 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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184 Len Ferrington expressed his willingness to assist in alerting residents, and advised that he had <br />185 other interested area lake residents who were willing to assist as well. <br />186 In response to previous discussions with Chair Pro Tem Eckman regarding how many hours he <br />187 anticipated spending on such an effort, Mr. Petersen advised that he didn't anticipated any more <br />188 than twenty (20) hours to initiate the program; and offered to do some work pro bono if <br />189 necessary to keep administrative costs down Chair Pro Tem Eckman opined that post card <br />190 notices shouldn't be necessary, since all three lakes had lake improvement districts or <br />191 homeowner associations, and if their board was notified, they could alert their members. <br />192 Len Ferrington noted that, traditionally, the Lake Owasso Association met in late April (usually <br />193 the third week of April) at the Guidant John Rose OVAL facility; and suggested that the <br />194 GLWMO Board time their workshop the week before to introduce the concept, and then the <br />195 Association would discuss it further at their annual meeting, and make others aware of the <br />196 program who had not attended the GLWMO workshop. Mr. Petersen noted that this was a <br />197 conceivable plan; however, he opined that the concept of shoreline management was not a new <br />198 concept for Lake Owasso residents, and questioned if people would come to the meeting with <br />199 their minds made up and giving tacit approval to proceed with the grant application. Len <br />200 Ferrington opined that residents would not do so, and would want to hear more details. Chair Pro <br />201 Tem Eckman suggested that residents having participated in the cost -share program <br />202 (Schroeder's) were well- thought -of by lakeshore residents, and their project could serve as a <br />203 centerpiece of the workshop, as well as Len Ferrington's project, and be highlighted at the <br />204 workshop as an example. Discussion included other projects done that could be highlighted; the <br />205 time necessary for Mr. Petersen to contact those residents about their participation in addressing <br />206 benefits of the program; before /after project digital photographs available from Mr. Johnson for <br />207 the workshops; inclusion of Jerry O'Sullivan as a past Green Communities Award winner as <br />208 another example; and the preference by Mr. Petersen to have a minimum of twelve (12) residents <br />209 showing interest in the program, the development of total project cost estimates for those <br />210 residents, and including those projects to provide credibility to the grant application. Mr. <br />211 Petersen noted that the grant application was due July 15, 2011. Further discussion included the <br />212 possibility of having dates /places identified for the workshops by the Third Stakeholder's <br />213 meeting scheduled for March 22 or by the Lake Owasso Association's annual meeting date Mr. <br />214 Petersen advised that RCD staff had been preparing for the potential workshops for some time, <br />215 and by using internet access to subject properties to provide aerial photos, and the digital photos <br />216 already available, he was confident that the short timeframe could be met in getting several <br />217 sample properties together for presentation. Len Ferrington advised that some residents may say <br />218 they already have shoreline management practices in place; however, they need to be made <br />219 aware that more could be done, and that a visual presentation of previous projects could provide <br />220 that incentive. Mr. Petersen advised that RCD had done a similar grant application for <br />221 McCanons Lake homeowners, with the grant awarded first, and then potential projects solicited <br />222 of homeowners. However, Mr. Petersen opined that the process needed to be reversed to ensure <br />223 commitment from lakeshore residents and in order to leverage state grant funds. Chair Pro Tem <br />224 Eckman suggested that lakeshore residents be encouraged to tell their stories, with the benefits <br />225 going beyond water quality, but also the benefits to their property for erosion control, addressing <br />226 structural drainage issues, aesthetics, and resale value. <br />227 <br />228 Perform Aquatic Plant Study on Lake Owasso, Wabasso Lake and Snail Lake (June) <br />5 <br />
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