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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 13, 2011 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Councilmember Johnson asked that, in their study of traffic management options, <br /> the PWET Commission also consider crosswalks, especially those on larger roads <br /> with multiple lanes and right-turning traffic, and visual/safety concerns. <br /> Member Stenlund noted, from his experience, the difficulty in solving those con- <br /> cerns, when dealing with fractured communities and landscapes and the blurring <br /> of community lines; while attempting to maintain traffic flow and keep pede- <br /> strians safe. Member Stenlund noted the need for safe oasis for everyone to get <br /> across, since not everyone can cross a wide street with multiple lanes in one sig- <br /> nal light change, and the need to accommodate those pedestrians. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred, noting that drivers were not necessarily doing what they <br /> needed to do to ensure pedestrian safety, especially before turning right; and the <br /> need to be conscious of how you were driving and the reason for rules of the road <br /> for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles. <br /> Further discussion on neighborhood traffic management included options, such as <br /> speed humps and pedestrian crosswalks; traffic speed through residential neigh- <br /> borhoods; pros and cons of closures of neighborhood roads to eliminate cut- <br /> through traffic. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that everyone needed to be cognizant as a first- <br /> ring suburb in the number of vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles now and in the fu- <br /> ture; not to restrict them but to move them more efficiently and safely. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that the policy discussion needed to identify consistent criteria, <br /> when it was appropriate to close a road as a solution; and what conditions or stan- <br /> dards were applied consistently for those types of decisions, not just responding to <br /> passionate citizen input, but based on best practices. Mayor Roe looked to the <br /> PWET Commission to point the City and City Council in the right direction. <br /> 11. Public Hearings <br /> a. Conduct a Public Hearing for a Variance to the Noise Ordinance to Extend <br /> Construction Activity Hours at the Rosedale Square Shopping Center <br /> Permit Coordinator Don Munson briefly summarized the request as detailed in the <br /> RCA dated June 13, 2011. Mr. Munson advised that mailed notices of tonight's <br /> Public Hearing were provided to properties within 500' of the site; but to-date, <br /> staff had received no phone calls. Mr. Munson advised that representatives from <br /> Welsh Companies, the applicant, and Minnesota Roadways, the contractor, were <br /> in the audience and available for questions as applicable. <br /> Mayor Roe opened the Public Hearing at 7:29 p.m. for the purpose of hearing <br /> public comment on the request for a variance to the City's Noise Ordinance to ex- <br /> tend construction activity hours at Rosedale Square Shopping Center, 1601 — <br />