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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:15:25 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 12:10:41 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Ordering the Construction of Improvement No. SS-W-81-21 Under and Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />asking what they could do - one was ready and the other one <br />wasn't, the costs were high, and a whole series of unfortunate <br />circumstances that didn't lead to this being done years ago. <br />The proposal is to have a sanitary sewer - there's an existing <br />manhole at this location and the driveway is generally over <br />where it's shown as proposed. Because of the extreme depth of <br />the sewer, the sewer itself is down about 20 feet - below the <br />20 foot difference between that and your basement even. <br />Rather than go and build another super deep manhole at a high <br />cost, it is proposed to come slightly toward the driveway, <br />build another manhole which is only half of that depth, and <br />then have a drop structure into the old manhole to save that <br />deep digging and stay out of the potentially wet ground that <br />might be down at that elevation, bring the sanitary sewer ser- <br />vice up the driveway and end it in this small triangle of <br />property that I think is also owned by -the railroad. I'd have <br />to go back and check, but I think that's who owns it. There <br />we'd put a manhole and provide a small service in each direc- <br />tion for each of the two homes to connect to. Somewhat the <br />same thing would happen with the watermain. We would bring an <br />actual watermain, not a service, to that location and then <br />bring small services a few feet to the property lines involved. <br />The advantages of doing it this way are that both homes can <br />connect to this single line, where if we built two services, <br />we would still have to go under the railroad tracks at that <br />relatively high expense and, in a sense, double the cost. <br />This way the homes would be able to share the public facility <br />and we would be -able to reduce their cost by half, approxi- <br />mately. There are no outstanding assessments involved in <br />this because it's an'extension of a line. <br /> <br />MR. POPOVICH: Mayor and members of the Council, the two <br />parcels involved petitioned for it, so it's 100% petitioned <br />for. The total published cost was $21,959.00. The sanitary <br />sewer portion is $12,149.61 and the recommended assessment <br />is $22.84 a foot. The total cost of the water is $9,809.31 <br />and the estimated cost at $18.44 per foot. Assuming the <br />project will go ahead, the assessments should not be spread <br />longer than a 15 year period. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Are there any letters? <br /> <br />MR. ANDRE: There are none. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: I will now open the hearing to the public <br />and ask that you corne to the microphone and identify yourself <br />and the property to which you're referring. <br /> <br />MR. RUDY HAVEL, 472 South Owasso Boulevard: We have <br />been living there since the sewer was put in. We were there <br />when the sewer was in but there again, for some reason, it <br />was not installed at the time they were there with the equip- <br />ment. We have tried - I have tried personally - dealing with <br />the railroad to get a permit to put the line in ourselves. <br /> <br />2 <br />
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