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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:15:46 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 12:11:11 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Ordering the Construction of Improvement No. ST-80-30 Under and Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 and Authorizing Preparation of Plans and Specifications Therefor
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />Christensen at 944 Transit, by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith at 895 <br />Transit, by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Slettedahl at 885 Transit, and <br />by Greg Revering at 912 Transit. They have signed a petition <br />favoring the storm sewer project. We also have a letter from <br />Mr. Christensen, who signed the petition, indicating his support <br />for the project but voicing concern that he is going to be <br />assessed the same amount for his storm sewer as those property <br />owners who are receiving the street and the ~torrn sewer. I'm <br />not sure whether Mr. Christensen is here and whether or not he <br />realizes that that was an M.S.A. street and therefore would not <br />be assessed. We also have a letter from Mr. and Mrs. James <br />Michaels indicating that they also favor the improvement. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: The hearing is open. <br /> <br />MR. ARTHUR HOLMBERG, 985 West County Road B-2: I'm up on <br />top of a hill and all the water that comes off of the street <br />goes back on my property and then it goes down into the ground. <br />There's nothing but 60 feet of sand underneath there. (In- <br />audible) in twenty minutes all the water goes down. I don't <br />have any run-off. <br /> <br />j"--- <br />\' <br />'-- <br /> <br />MR. KEITH SCHOTTLER, 1046 West County Road B-2: There <br />are a couple of questions I would like to ask at this time. <br />Especially on the county road, it's been known for some time <br />that the county is going to repair that or do something with <br />it - either widen it or what - but wouldn't this be just a <br />duplication of what work they would be doing eventually? Also, <br />at Lot 10, westward, those county ditches that we've had for <br />years - they've been filled up by the property owners. When <br />you say that the water will flow to the west - it's impossible <br />to get as far as Lot 10 and that's where it stops. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Lot 10 - where do you mean? On the south <br />side of B';"2? <br /> <br />MR. SCHOTTLER: Right. From that point on the ditches <br />have all been filled in by the property owners. So how can the <br />water flow past Lot 10 down west to Lexington, which the <br />gentleman has stated? Why not fill in all the ditches and <br />carry the water along the curbing? <br /> <br />du_ <br />\.',:::":' <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: The first question, as I understood it~ <br />was why not do this improvement at the time county is going to <br />be improving'B-2. From my knowledge at least, in the County's <br />five year plan, it's not included as a specific project during <br />that time frame. They do have it as a proposed project, with- <br />out a date as far as I know. So we're not talking about a <br />year or two years or something - why not wait that period - <br />it's an unknown time frame as to when they're going to do <br />theirs. As far as duplication, they would be doing the same <br />thing we're doing - that's correct. They would be constructing <br />a storm sewer facility to take the water that comes along the <br />road and provide quantities for what comes off the front yards <br />to the road. They would expect the City to in turn pay that <br /> <br />14 <br />
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