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<br />share of the cost for the water that comes toward the road from <br />private property. We'd be right back assessing as we are today. <br />In other words, the County would not provide the storm drainage <br />facilities for nothing. You're right - the same thing would <br />happen. As far as what happens as the water heads westerly - <br />ultimately that water does get over to the Lexington area <br />because you're right - the County has put some facilities there <br />and the water runs on the street, but it still does run down <br />to Lexington Avenue and ultimately ends up in Bennett Lake. <br /> <br />MR. SCHOTTLER: So what you're saying is that in front of <br />Lots 10, 9 and 8 and so far to the east - that's all going to <br />be considered a holding tank for this water being at the only <br />ditches that are left on that south side of the street. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: No, what I'm saying is that if you look,_at <br />the drawing - there are some facilities being shown as being <br />constructed near the intersection of Oxford, but you would pick <br />the water up so that it wouldn't have to set in those facilities <br />and have no way out. The idea is to provide a place for the <br />storm water to be picked up. <br /> <br />MR. SCHOTTLER: Why not continue that drainage ditch all <br />the way to Lexington rather than have it just stop there, like <br />it originally was supposed to be? <br /> <br />r-- MR. HONCHELL: We feel the best way to carry that water <br />~ (inaudible) is in a pipe. <br /> <br />MR. SCHOTTLER: What pipe? <br />MR. HONCHELL: The pipe that is proposed. <br /> <br />MR. SCHOTTLER: On the west side of the street? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: Yes. <br /> <br />MR. MARTIN SOCKNESS, 997 West County Road B-2. I don't <br />think my property drains into the area. My backyard is sort <br />of a low spot and the water runs off of the street and goes <br />into the backyard and stays there until it finally soaks into <br />the ground, like it's doing right now this spring. The back- <br />yard - or the back side of the property - is a little bit <br />higher in the middle part of the property and the water doesn't <br />drain down into that area. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: Our intentions are - we have a project <br />and we'll be doing more surveying to get an exact assessment <br />when assessment time comes. <br /> <br />L::~~,: <br /> <br />MR. RICK PASCH, 915 West County Road B-2: It 1 s l'ike you <br />say with those heavy rains and everything - a lot of those <br />culverts, like across the street from my house there - you <br />get two or three feet of water standing in the ditch and you <br />can't keep up with the water flow - you have it allover the <br /> <br />15 <br />