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<br />street - and as far as the melting in the spring, there's defi- <br />pitely water standing in the road all the time. Your mail, your <br />newspapers get wet. But I guess my biggest concern is - right <br />where those pipes are supposed to go through now I have all my <br />evergreen trees going down through the center there. I don't <br />know quite where that pipe is going to fall. Six or six and a <br />half years ago when I actually planted those. trees I came up <br />to the village and I asked them - I said I have no easement on <br />my property, right? They said yes, that's the way it is. Now <br />last week Dave called me and said the pipe was old, like you <br />were saying, and they don't really know where it's at, and all <br />of a sudden I think maybe I should dig them out. I talked to <br />my neighbors and I'd like to know where they're going. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Are the trees on the line? <br /> <br />MR. PASCH: Not really. They're in the yard. As far as <br />where it's actually at, I don't know. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: As far as where we propose to construct <br />it - again, we don't have final plans but we do have preliminary <br />plans. They are proposed to be close enough to those ever- <br />greens that you have that the' plan would be to transplant those <br />evergreens a few feet one way or the other or pick them up and <br />put them back down when we're all done. <br /> <br />c-.- <br /> <br />MR. PASCH: So in other words, when you do this - they <br />could actually almost go in the same spot. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: Yes. We would prefer, of course, to have <br />them ten feet away or so. <br /> <br />MR. PASCH: The only thing is, with my house there - you <br />put a row of evergreens ten feet in, by the time they get big, <br />what do I have? Evergreen trees on the side of my doorstep. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: This is one of the things we would talk <br />to you about at the time. First there would be a project, <br />second we would have, to get an easement. We don't just walk <br />out and tell you we're coming through your yard and get your <br />trees out. We would come and talk to you as to where you want <br />them, to try and work with you to locate those trees, where <br />they would best benefit you as far as your plans', as well as <br />far as the project. <br /> <br />MR. PASCH: As far as - like you were saying - with all <br />that water - it basically pretty much goes down right where <br />you guys are saying. I usually get all the overflow and those <br />guys behind me there get a lot of the sand and dirt and what- <br />ever because I end up shoveling dirt out of my yard. ~t's <br />never ending. <br /> <br />I~~;;~;::: COUNCILMAN KEHR: Mr. Pasch, I take it then that if the <br />City can take care of your concern about your evergreens that <br />you favor the program? <br /> <br />16 <br />